Boundless oceans of women,
stepping out of a long night of silence,
hungry for a taste of our own words.
Can you hear us laughing,
howling sweet liberation?
We have carried sacred truth
in the basket of our bellies for so long.
When multitudes of women at last
GIVE VOICE, the sky will crack open.
And the world will never be the same.
What is Gender Justice?
It’s about getting respect, support and protection from harm, in the boardroom, the bedroom, everywhere you go. Reclaiming your powerful voice, so you will be heard. It’s gaining skills in negotiations, so you can get what you want —even in a sexist world!
WPV Women’s Circle
A feminist sanctuary of women who understand what you’ve been going through. Laughing together, truly listening to each other. Building solutions together, to improve all our lives.
Weekly meetings, four times a month.
Book Louise
for your next event!
talks • workshops • interviews
When Louise Cloutier speaks up about women
claiming respect in the world, audiences sit up
and listen. And then the sparks begin to spread….
About Louise Cloutier
Louise Cloutier has been helping courageous women speak up since 1981. Nothing in this world brings her more sweet joy than watching women discover how magnificent they are!
"Louise's workshops remind me I have the strength to live my life, continue my fight." —S.R., New York City

"Louise is one of the most vibrant, grounded, aware, and soulfully beautiful humans I've ever met. Her knowledge is expansive. Her intentions are true. Her impact is immediate and lasting. She made me feel safe and cared for. Louise gave me new, unique tools for enriching my own daily presence and lighting the pathway toward personal goals."
— "Spider" Meka Hemmons, portrait photographer.